You can use the SAVE Magi Program to assist in
destinguishing GNNFBs, Enterics, and Vibrios without the use
of downloaded software. It is not recommended to use
this program to make a final ID. Once the SAVE MAGI
provides a response, links to the full WIPs will be
displayed. It is encouraged to use those to confirm
any identifications due to the larger data sets stored
in the individualized WIPs.
Check the button next to the +, - or NA symbols
to indicate a positive, negative, or unavailable result
Enter Results
| -
| NA
- Motility
| -
| NA
- Oxidase
| -
| NA
- Yellow Pigment
| -
| NA
- DNase
| -
| NA
- D-glucose fermentation, acid
| -
| NA
- Lipase
| -
| NA
- H2S
| -
| NA
- NO3 reduction
| -
| NA
- Arginine
| -
| NA
- Lysine
| -
| NA
- Ornithine
| -
| NA
- Esculin
| -
| NA
- Gelatin
| -
| NA
- Indole
| -
| NA
- Malonate
| -
| NA
| -
| NA
- Urea hydrolysis (48Hr)
| -
| NA
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